The Blavatnik School of Government blog has reached new heights of activity as MPP students, faculty and staff take to the keyboard to express opinions, analysis and advice for the wider world.

In “Deconstructing a dangerous narrative,” MPP Student and Rhodes Scholar Rafiullah Kakar from Pakistan, scrutinizes the language of Pakistan’s right-wing leader, Imran Khan, to analyse what is required most to confront the menace of terrorism. It’s not a simplistic, anti-American rhetoric but rather, “an honest and well-informed narrative that offers a clear and realistic view of ourselves and the world.”

Two student blogs, by Leonardo Quatrucci from Italy and Manjit Nath from India, have described their recent experiences of Oxford rituals to reflect on life in their home countries – they give fascinating insights into both sides of their experiences.

Meanwhile, Australian MPP student Tim McMinn has recently written two blogs about Australian development policies. In one, he reflects on possible outcomes of Australia's plans to reintegrate its development agency, AusAID, into the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – a backwards step, in Tim’s view. In another, he turns his attention to review a new book by Ben Ramalingam called, Aid on the Edge of Chaos, which looks at international development funding and policy.

Climate change features in a couple of recent faculty blog posts: Postdoctoral Researcher Tom Hale discusses "how to drive climate ambition”, while Departmental Lecturer Adam Ritchie examines the dangers of exaggerating the evidence of links between climate change and extreme weather events.

And if you want to know about School courses and admissions cycles, we have a stream of posts from the Admissions Team.

The Blavatnik School of Government Blog is a forum for sharing opinion, advice and analysis on a great range of issues by members of the Blavatnik School. Bookmark the page, subscribe to our RSS, or follow us on social media now - these are the ways you can be a part of the School's blog-busting news...