20 April 2022, 17:30 - 18:30
Blavatnik School of Government and Zoom
University of Oxford members only
This event is free - register below to attend

New technologies are transforming the way we do research. Join Dr Will Marshall, Co-Founder and CEO of Planet Labs, who are leading the world in public earth imaging, providing vital data for research from humanitarian action through to the fight against climate change. Planet Labs provide daily satellite data that helps businesses, governments, researchers, and journalists understand the physical world and take action.

Will is a scientist-turned-entrepreneur with extensive experience building and leading teams in the technology space. Prior to founding Planet Labs, he was a scientist at NASA where he helped formulate the Small Spacecraft Office. Will holds a DPhil in Physics from the University of Oxford and a Masters in Physics with Space Science and Technology from the University of Leicester.

Please note: this event is open to the University of Oxford community only (students and professional, academic and research staff).

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