
Alfi Naufida Ulinnuha aspires to improve the quality of public services for everyday Indonesians by helping to reform Indonesia's resource allocation. 

Alfi's journey started in her hometown of Kebumen, a town with the highest rates of poverty, HIV, and mental illness in Java, where she experienced the reality of unrealised development promises.

Her undergraduate in International Relations provided her with the academic framework to understand the drivers of Indonesia's development. Curious about how this works in practice, Alfi joined the World Bank and was quickly immersed in the world of Public Finance Management (PFM). Particularly, she helped manage Indonesia's subnational PFM reform portfolio. 

In the future, Alfi aims to take on a bigger role in figuring out the right intergovernmental coordination policy which fosters more harmonious central-local relations. 

Furthermore, as a woman in PFM, she hopes to move towards a budget policy that carves out more space for women to participate in various development programs. 

Alfi is an Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LDPD) Scholar.