
Originally from Amman, Jordan, Farah Al Hadid grew up in both Jordan and the U.S.

Farah graduated in 2018 from Yale University with a BA in Political Science, where she was also a Global Health Scholar. Her undergraduate thesis analysed the effect of civil society on social movements in Tunisia and Egypt.

Farah has four years of experience as a policy researcher and analyst at the Political Affairs Directorate at the Office of His Majesty King Abdullah II in Jordan.

In this role, Farah worked on producing timely and proactive political strategy to inform decision-makers on key issues with a focus on the Middle East Peace Process.  

Farah's primary policy interests include issues of governance reform and civic engagement.

She is joining the Blavatnik School of Government to develop her policymaking skills so she can be better equipped to contribute to Jordan's political growth and development.  She is very excited to be joining the exceptional community at the School in September.