
Maryam AlHashmi is an analyst at Abu Dhabi Global Market leading projects around tech start-ups, sustainable finance, and economic development.

Maryam is also one of the Futureneers under the Prime Minister’s Office working on government policies. Previously Maryam served as an Associate Manager at Expo 2020 Dubai supporting the sustainable development mandate and managing the international affairs stream.

In 2020, she was chosen as a Young Economist by the Federal Youth Authority. She graduated as valedictorian with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management from Sorbonne University.

In 2017, Maryam was a UAE Youth Ambassador to China. While interning at the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre, she worked on the UAE’s participation in the High-Level Political Forum and contributed to authoring the UAE SDGs Annual Report.

Maryam's key policy interests are economics, foreign policy, and sustainable development. She is a Distinguished Student Scholar under the UAE’s Ministry of Presidential Affairs.