
Mohd Fahrulradzi Bukhari is a Malaysian Central Banker working at the intersection between monetary and fiscal policies.

He most recently worked as a Senior Economist within the Fiscal Advisory Section of the Central Bank. Situated at the nexus between fiscal and monetary policies, Mohd Fahrulradzi provides advice on a wide range of issues to various national-level platforms including the Economic Action Council, Fiscal Policy and Debt Management Committees as well as the Malaysia Social Protection Council. He also produces analyses and conducts research required for the Monetary Policy Committee meetings.

Mohd Fahrulradzi's policy interests are broad, but he believes issues related to governance will continue to be the focal point for policymakers in the years to come. He is also keen to explore the reasons behind the inertia in public policy and the tendency to rely on traditions and conventions.

Mohd Fahrulradzi graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.

He is a Sultan Azlan Shah Scholar.