09 March 2022, 15:00 - 16:30
This event is free to attend

For the eleventh Engaging with Evidence webinar session, the Government Outcomes Lab will explore insights from the Village Enterprise Development Impact Bond (DIB), a poverty alleviation project in Uganda and Kenya. Drawing on a recent report by IDinsight, the session will explore the learnings and final results from the project, as well as highlight practitioner experiences.

Launched in 2017, the DIB aimed to raise income levels for more than 14,000 households living in extreme poverty. By using an impact bond model to deliver Village Enterprise’s existing microenterprise graduation programme, it intended to create over 4600 sustainable microenterprises.

This session will seek to understand key stakeholders’ experiences around delivering the project. Our guest panelists will reflect on the application of outcomes-based funding to poverty alleviation interventions, project adaptation to COVID-19, and the use of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) for measurement and evaluation. Finally, we will discuss implications for policymakers and practitioners. We will welcome comments and questions from the audience throughout the session.

The session is open to all. It will be of interest to policymakers, those in donor agencies, foundations, service provider organisations, socially motivated investors, and other experts interested in the latest evidence on the use of outcomes-based contracting tools for the provision of public services and results-based financing more generally. For those new to outcomes-based contracting and impact bonds, an introductory guide is available on the GO Lab Knowledge Hub.

Attendees must register to receive joining instructions.