01 September 2022, 14:30 - 16:00
Online only
Open to the public
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Just three days before the final referendum for a new constitution in Chile, this webinar will present what are the essential elements of the Chilean constitutional process and the citizen's perspectives.

Political polarisation has taken on increasing significance in Chilean politics, with a notable acceleration in the past two years since "estallido social" (social outbreak) demanding dignity, equity, and social justice. This social and political crisis opened the possibility for a constitutional change, which was heavily backed up by nearly 80% of the Chilean voters.

The Constitutional Assembly – with an equal proportion of women and men and the participation of Chile's indigenous peoples – has been working on a draft that seeks a more equal and inclusive society and the protection of economic and social rights, with particular attention to groups that have been historically excluded.

However, the outlook is uncertain ahead of September's plebiscite. It seems that in some parts of the society the initial enthusiasm for reform has dissipated as the latest polling suggests that 33% of the voters believe the draft needs adjustments and only 19% will approve without hesitation.

In this webinar, we will hear first-hand from those involved in the constitutional process in Chile as part of the constitutional debate, as well as leading advocacy initiatives and engaging citizens in the process. The speakers will highlight its achievements and challenges and whether the process and the final draft reflect citizens' preferences.

About the speakers

Valentina Rosas, sub-director of Tenemos que Hablar de Chile (We need to talk about Chile) a citizen participation platform led by the largest universities in the country. Valentina has an academic background in political science and a Master of Public Policy at the University of Oxford.

Joaquín Walker, the Executive Director of Elige Educar ("Choose Teaching", in English), an NGO that aims to strengthen the teaching profession in Chile, motivating high-performing applicants to become teachers and advocating for improving teachers' training and working conditions. With an academic background in Law and a Master of Public Policy at the University of Oxford, he's also a member of the executive board of the Centre of Public Policy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Lastly, Joaquín, representing Elige Educar, is part of the coordination of Acción Colectiva por la Educación, a network of 25 NGOs in education that advocate for a better education system in Chile.

Carlos Navia, Chilean lawyer. He is pursuing a Doctorate in Education from the University of Cambridge and studied a Master in Public Policy from the University of Oxford. He has been a professor in the faculties of law and public administration, as well as a consultant for the National Institute of Human Rights (Chile). Currently, he coordinates the Education Area of the Equality Institute (Instituto Igualdad), preparing proposals within the framework of the current Chilean constitutional process.

Chair: Dr Maya Tudor, Associate Professor of Government and Public Policy and Director of Graduate Studies

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