In the media News 18 (CNN) Kashmiri society held back from attaining full potential due to political stifling, says Kashmir scholar at Oxford Feature on current MPP student Mirza Saaib Beg Education India
In the media Kashmir Times Kashmiri lawyer awarded two prestigious scholarships for study at Oxford Feature on current MPP student Mirza Saaib Beg Education India
In the media LiveWire (The Wire India) Meet Mirza Saaib Beg, the first Kashmiri to get the Kofi Annan and the WHT Scholarships to study at Oxford Feature on current MPP student Mirza Saaib Beg Education India
Publication 01 November 2020 New thinking for institutional distress of mobile money firms Jonathan Greenacre Business and capitalism Digital, Cyber and AI ... Digital Pathways at Oxford Bangladesh Fiji India Indonesia Kenya Nigeria Pakistan Papua New Guinea Rwanda Samoa Tanzania Tonga Uganda Vanuatu
In the media Tribune (India) Spreading wings to take the flight of her dreams Feature about our MPP student Pratishtha Deveshwar, who is a wheelchair user and and advocate for persons with a disability Pratishtha Deveshwar Inclusion India
Publication 23 November 2020 Improving public sector management at scale? Experimental evidence on school governance in India Karthik MuralidharanAbhijeet Singh Education Research on Improving Systems of Education Programme (RISE) ... India
Publication 15 October 2019 Sex workers, stigma and self-image: evidence from Kolkata brothels Anandi ManiSayantan GhosalSmarajit JanaSandip MitraSanchari Roy Human behaviour Economy ... Inclusion Development Centre for the Study of African Economies India
Publication 16 October 2020 Aspirations, poverty and education: evidence from India Stefan DerconPieter Serneels Education Research on Improving Systems of Education Programme (RISE) ... India