
Lara el Feghaly is a public policy professional focusing on socio-economic development.

Lara has a keen interest in the intersection of politics, economics, and behavioural psychology.

Following her bachelor's degree in economics with a minor in finance, Lara's career has taken her across three continents, spanning the US, UK, and her home country of Lebanon, and has combined experiences that encompass the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Lara has worked at the Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations, a multi-national conglomerate (General Electric Capital), a regional consulting firm (Beyond Group), and a Beirut-based think tank (Beirut Institute).

If she had to sum up her character in a few words, it would be curious, dynamic, and driven. When Lara is not engaging in fiery debates about controversial policy issues, she likes to experiment with parts of her savings in the investment world or disconnect and listen to soulful jazz music.

Lara is an Oxford Lebanon Graduate Scholar.